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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Advantages of Solar Power One Must Know

Solar Power is surely the answer of man's power needs for the future. It is quite rightly termed as fuel for the new era. The endless energy it provides can surely be the solution of power crises we might face in the years to come. The Advantages of Solar Power are immense which has forced us to find techniques and design equipments in order to trap and utilize its abundant energy in our day to day activities.
One of the most talked about among the Advantages of Solar Power is its inexhaustible supply. We all know that our conventional sources of energy would be exhausted one day, but no matter how much we use the Solar Energy it will still be in abundance for millions of years to come.
Among others the Advantages of Solar Power is that it does not create any pollution. You can generate energy keeping the emission levels to as low as zero. The cost of maintaining the solar panels for generation of electricity is far less as compared to Power lines. Solar energy can be used to run appliances at homes where small solar panels are installed separately for each house, or huge solar panels built at a separate place for generation and storage of electricity which is then distributed to a large area. Solar energy can also be a great energy source for our satellites in space.
Advantages of Solar Power also include minimal noise generation, long shelf life for equipment, and really long time period after which the devices needs to be cleaned. There is absolutely no movement in the parts of a solar panel and thus the chances of anybody getting hurt is also reduced to a great extent. In many countries of the world Kerosene or coal is used to light the lamps and for heating purposes. These have a really bad effect on the health of people. Solar panels can reduce this effect to a great extent as there is absolutely no emission of gases. The cost of transmission of energy is also zero in case of solar power as it can be created at the same place where it is being consumed.
The Advantages of Solar Power have increased many folds in recent time because of its gradual transition from a costly source of energy to a relatively economic one. New techniques are being designed each day for better and easier usage of solar energy.
Solar power has a few disadvantages too like high initial installation cost, relatively large area requirement for system installation and inability of equipments to trap energy on a cloudy day and at night. The advantages though easily overshadow the negatives. With the passage of time and technology upgradation we will be able to reduce the disadvantages to a great extent.
A switch to solar energy at this point of time is simply perfect and is the need of the hour. The switch will be gradual but the positive effects on environment would be seen almost instantly. Time has come for us to make a move towards a better and health living.
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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wind Turbines And The Direction Of Renewable Energy

Wind turbines are popping up all over the world. It is not unusual to find single windmills or acres of wind turbines creating clean energy these days. This energy producing alternative is costly to install, but very effective in reducing the price of energy for consumers over time.
This type of natural power is clean energy, but what exactly does that mean? Wind turbines do not rely on fossil fuels or natural gas to produce energy and therefore do not deplete the earth of its natural resources. This power can be directly acquired from the country in which it is generated, cutting importing costs and further reducing prices for the consumer.
The economic growth of the industry also lies in the manufacture of the windmills themselves. The more in demand they are, the more economic and employment growth will develop. This growth not only depends on building the actual windmills, but also on manufacturing the batteries, capacitors, and cables which store and transmit the energy accumulated by these rotating giants.
It has been predicted that by the year 2030, many of these wind farms will be set offshore. The huge turbines would almost not be seen above water, but the power they would produce could be immense. This is a first of its kind innovation and is reported to be somewhat stalled in the bureaucratic phase for the time being.
Batteries will ensure that the turbines will continue to move even when the force of the wind is significantly reduced. By contrast, the East Coast wind farms will probably never suffer from a lack of power source. These farms will be highly productive and the predicted outlook is excellent for the immediate future and long-term future.
Huge offshore cables, called "spines", are buried in shallow trenches under the sea to transport the collected energy to the mainland. Initial reports indicate that this development could possibly produce enough energy to sufficiently power the entire Eastern seaboard. The cable is being laid now, even before the windmills are planted.
The amount of energy created by these offshore farms is predicted to significantly reduce the load of the current energy grid in the Northeastern US. The cost of this project is said to be in the high multi-billion dollar range, which is causing some delay. There are other significant factors, however, which are also delaying the progress of this project.
Fishermen make their living off the North American eastern coast and studies are being conducted regarding the reconciliation of the two industries. Another problem being faced is the fact that there are sacred burial grounds submerged in the sea there, which should not be disturbed. A third hindrance is the assumption by special interests groups that this development will destroy the beautiful view off the East Coast, who are lobbying to stop the project.
Wind turbines are one of the safest and cleanest means of generating energy, providing economic growth and reducing the load on the current energy grid. Along with solar power and thermal heat, it is a viable and sustainable solution to our energy crisis. There is significant growth in the wind-turbine industry all around the globe. There are many online sites with information regarding the direction in which renewable energy efforts are headed for the immediate and long-range future.
Cory Sober is the IT Director for UpWind Solutions, a full-service operations and maintenance provider for utility-scale wind farms. He is part of a highly trained team focused on maximizing long-term productivity of wind turbines, and as a result, delivering a higher return on investment for wind energy projects.
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