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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Bicycling Against Cars – Health Benefits vs Pollution

mountain bike, cycling, green forest
We were recently stuck in traffic behind a big rig spewing noxious exhaust while out bicycling. This provoked us to think about how the health benefits of cycling can be negated by pollution. While we prefer mountain biking out in the wilderness with no cars around, coexisting on roads with vehicles is a reality most of us have to endure.
It is interesting that several articles discuss some health issues with cyclists who commute in big cities. Some cyclists wear face masks while cycling in the city. Pollution from diesel engines in particular are worrisome. Respiratory problems can arise and other adverse health effects may ensue.
As we move into the future, there should be more vehicles emitting less pollution. Hybrid technology, electric vehicles, low sulphur fuels, and other advancements will help reduce pollution levels.
Ways to minimize the risk
Avoid busy streets to minimize the number of vehicles you encounter. You may end up riding a longer distance, but your health will benefit.Keep away from buses and trucks.Wear a mask if you have to bike in congested areas Try to ride during non-peak hours Reduce bike commuting to only a couple of days a week
Lots of us love biking and are trying to help our health and the environment by avoiding driving. With a couple strategies, we can help minimize potential health risks that accompany biking with vehicles that produce toxic emissions.
Vehicle exhaust and brain damage
Some recent studies have shown that vehicle traffic fumes affect the brain. Emissions from cars and trucks can injure parts of the brain and affect learning and memory. Breathing vehicle fumes for just 30 minutes can affect the brain, a recent study from the Netherlands showed. Children in areas with high levels of vehicle emissions score more poorly on tests and were more prone to have mental health problems.
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